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- -------------- An introduction to demo coding on the Amiga -----------------
- --------------- By Kreator ----------------
- Well due to requests from our
- readers, I have split this article
- into two: one part backtracks from
- last months issue, and covers the
- copper the other covers what I had
- originally intended to do this issue
- but not in as much depth, ie. 3D
- graphics.
- One defence an ST owner makes for
- his plastic breeze-block when
- challenged by an AMIGA owner is that
- the ST has a slightly faster 68000
- processor ( 8 Mhz compared with the
- miggys 7.14 Mhz) Unfortunately for him
- however the Amiga has an array of
- very powerful custom chips to create
- wonderful graphics, crisp sounds
- multiplicities of sprites and bobs and
- dynamically alter the structure of the
- display quickly and easily. The latter
- is what I hope to cover this issue ie.
- I will be talking about the Copper.
- The Copper is in fact a very simple
- processor, it has only three
- instructions namely WAIT , MOVE , SKIP
- WAIT X,Y - This instruction tells the
- copper to wait until the specified
- position is reached. X is measured in
- Bus cycles, or 2 low res. pixels, each
- command has two words which means it
- takes two bus cycles to process the
- command ie. we can only specify X to
- an accuracy of 4 low res pixels.
- Unfortunately the Vertical Y position
- is specified in 8 bits ie. from 0 to
- 255, but there are 313 ( 0 to 312 )
- raster lines in a non-interlaced
- screen.How do we specify these last 57
- lines? This is achieved by Waiting
- until the last possible position
- recognised by the copper ie. 222,255 ,
- then execute another WAIT instruction.
- eg.
- You want WAIT 50,270
- instead use:
- WAIT 222,255
- WAIT 50,15 (ie. 270 and 255)
- MOVE A,REG - Moves the value A into
- the specified Register. The Copper
- assumes the REG is an offset to the
- start of the Custom register area
- HEX DFF000.
- eg.
- Color00 is standard label for the
- background colour and is at $DFF180
- To set the screen to black at position
- (0,0) use :
- WAIT 0,0
- MOVE 0,$180
- SKIP X,Y - Very similar to WAIT but if
- the position specified has already
- been passed by the raster beam, then
- the copper carries on but skips the
- following instruction. I have never
- needed to use this command so I won't
- go into anymore detail.
- As it happens, no assembler will
- generate these commands for you they
- must be encoded yourself. Some of the
- tedium can be removed however with the
- use of macros, which take a little
- longer to assemble but are infinitely
- easier to debug and follow. See the
- source on this disk ( in the Custom
- Registers file ) for examples of this.
- For obvious reasons I have renamed the
- MOVE command MOV.
- The Structure of the commands are as
- follows ;
- Command word 1
- bits 0 0-8 9-15
- 0 Register Unused
- Command word 2 holds the data word
- Command word 1
- bits 0 0-7 8-15
- 1 X position Y position
- Command word 2
- bits 0 1-7 8-14 15
- 0 X mask Y mask BFD
- A lot of the second word will look
- unfamiliar. BFD means Blitter Finished
- Disable, if this bit is clear the
- copper will always wait for the
- blitter to stop before continuing,this
- is only of any use if you start the
- blitter from within the copper. The
- masks allow you to only consider
- certain bits of the (X,Y) raster
- position.
- Thats all for this months intro. the
- source on the disk also covers setting
- up screens. Next month I will tell you
- how to write a scroll routine.